Saturday, June 9, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
ooo Acies
(Acies! weee)
Wahahaha, the day started off quite well. Searched for some clothes and found some T-Shirt which was nice. So i took some Matrix Reloaded shirt cuz black is cewl, and wore over. And I personally think I looked quite mature and nice. (Yeah! For the 10000 times, I am vain. Get over it.)
Then I went off to sch. Nice little wait for Chris! Freakin 15mins! But I forgive you! Told me I look good like a thousand times! hehe! Thats what you should've learnt a year ago! See Cass why can't you do the same! Always calling me stuff! T.T
Then we went to the church of St.Mary's. Apparently, I have been there before! I can't remember when! Argh! Think must have brought someone there for something..hmm..mysterious..I can't remember. Neway, they spell Kindergarden KindergarTen. Kewl lol.
Then we had some Curia thingy where I went to the toliet and saw this sexy fella in the mirror! (Rofl! High on coke!) We met bro.Kevin! Yay! He grown some hair! Then I gave report ect ect. Bonding! XD wahahaha. Then got like 10000 calls that kept disturbing me. ( Cass, not pimpatron)
Then we went for Acies! Ooo..Sylvia make me stand there malu sia..T.T /cry. But the Mass was extremely good, excluding the fact that I was distracted..ahem! Sad point in time altho I refused to look at it.
Then we got in the bus! Wa lao! U all never say goodbye to me! I think only the SAC did! Crycry! T.T Then msg liao, u scold me why never say in person! = = We, boys, can never win eh?Then we went for Acies! Ooo..Sylvia make me stand there malu sia..T.T /cry. But the Mass was extremely good, excluding the fact that I was distracted..ahem! Sad point in time altho I refused to look at it.
In the bus, me and my son had some father-son time. We sang Ur Beautiful, Bad day, Standing beside me. Fly me to the moon. Fall out boy songs! And watched kewl MTV stuff! <3>
Hmm..then we went off to Zion. (Maggie Mee rocks!) Freaking stupid Silencer! Like shit lar..onli @ lvl 9 then i can do actual damage..
Then second bs, cewl..poke poke, rupture, they die..XD
Then 3rd game..stupid Footmen Frenzy! Oi..that Donald fella, im gonna kill him! Made him waste 40mins of my life sia!
Then we went home! Had some cute lil thingy in the bus! Got high and coke ( Yes Cass! I fail!).
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
(Father wanted this title..doh..)
...right, I'll go ahead and be raw. Politeness is excluded in this story.
"Hes home, get the fuck out of here! Quick!"
Sarah tries to jump out of the window, but to no avail. Cass' brother had already entered the scene. Bob looked at Cass and Sarah. Disbelief in his eyes!
"What the hell!?"
"What the hell!?"
"Hey dude, look, I can explain. This was"
"Shut the fuck up Cass, I told you to stay away from my girl!"
"Bobby! It isn't what it looks like! Cass and I were just"
"Enough! I know what the hell you two were doing! For months I struggled, trying not to believe it! But you! You stupid bitch! I trusted you! You promised me and now you lied!"
Bob takes out a knife, stares at Sarah. He lunges at her, knife pointing towards her blossom, ready to inflict the fatal blow. As quick as lightning(ooo corny phrase I haven't used since P4..rofl), Cass grabbed Bob's arm and took the knife. Bob wrestled with the mighty Cass, who thew Bob to the ground, and stabbed his vertebre, paralysing Bob. Cass stood up, malice and madness raged in his eyes. Bending down, Cass whispered in Bob's ear, "Any last words dear brother? Before I rip you apart you freaking bastard!"
Bob turned to Sarah, and said, "I love you."
"Cheesy piece of crap! Die! F A I L!"
Cass killed Bob, and he turned to Sarah. "Hes gone now, hurry help me get his ass out of here."
Sarah got up, and bent down besides Bob's body. She grabbed the knife that was embedded in Bob's body and lunged it into Cass' heart.
"You know what dear? I love that cheesy bastard more than you!"
"You know what dear? I love that cheesy bastard more than you!"
Then Sarah proceeds to slit her wrist ( yes I know Cass, /emo?? ) and laid beside Bob, awaiting the abyss that awaiting them.
To all those that are thinking about what happened to Cass? He died a horrible death. He was paralysed and laid in the hospital, unable to move. Rabied squirrels gnawed him to the brink of death just before a kitchen sinked owned him.
(Damn! Tiger Beer rocks! Sorry to all those I've offended. This drunk story of Solomon is once in a blue moon due to drinking for fun. My bad. Wahahaha)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
O yar, misery misery misery
(Life is full of suprises..isnt it..?)
(- -v)
The nights past...
They flew past, so timeless...
Time was frozen for me. Still, motionless time...
The icy cold heart of mine sank further and further down into the emptyness that awaited me. Doubts. Doubts that clouded my heart and soul. Caged within this prison of fear, uncertainty blurred my sanity.
Blurred, faded...
The world simply, faded away...
A man laid on the shore of the beach. His tattered rags, soaked in alcohol. He stared into the stars, those bright luminous diamonds. Those diamonds that he once cherished as hope and passion for someone. His expression turned into a smile, but only a moment, before he grinned and cried from the insanity that tortured him.
He turned his focus to the glowing face in the skies. The face was smiling at him. He didn't sneer, nor did he shout at the face. All he did, he simply cried. Tears rolled down his cheeks, as his solemn face exposed his fragilness. He squirmed in the anguished that tormented him, the anguish that he made someone felt when they both, looked at the moon and separated.
He laughed once again. At his malice, his cruelty and how naive he had been to choose wrongly.
He mocked himself, critizing his past will to dominate and control. His will that he felt would never have wronged him.
He scorned at the irony. The painful, everlasting irony of realising the loss of someone who truly loved him.
His eyes closed, his vision, the face in the sky, his world blurred. His world simply, faded away...
Eternal, unforgiving time...
It burns me so, what use is there to wish for another chance
When I had so many, yet I threw them all away...
That everlasting love who always sought me, I had abandoned
What use is there, to wish for another chance...
I had forsakened her, forsakened the gift God bestowed upon me...
Take me, you may take me now. For I no longer wish to remain here...
Take me..make my world, fade away for the last time...
The lady stood at the side. She looked at the body, the motionless body, and turned to the face. She weeped at it, her tears streaming down her face. "Why have u forsakened him? Why have I forsakened him?" She closed her eyes, and sat next to the man, "I will give you this last chance, the chance that you always needed. No matter what the cost..."
The next morning, the couple laid at the same spot, both a smile on their face. And when I went to the beach, stared at the moon, I could see a little light. Within that light, the smile of God, I knew the two, my friends, were together. Their hope and passion, glittered the night sky, as the diamonds burned red from the only thing that God wanted us to learn...
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Okies, I'll start by saying, my hair looks funny! Although I got a whole load of comments on it, I still think its bad.
Lets see, there were good and bad comments.
-Desmond:Charming/Handsome (Ok..Desmond doesnt joke, but..wth! I'm doubting whether he is straight)
-Cass: The normal cynical laugh. And the "always try to ruin ur hair" whenever u see me ( Seriously, I agree it may look bad to some people, inculding myself, but try not to bring my self-esteem down..)
-Neo:Why you cut like that!?!? (Not happy ar?)
-Khoon Beng:Harhar! NS Man/Commando. (Think thats a insult, but I'll take it as a compliment. Following footsteps of BP-Wong rocks.)
-Irwin:Why put your hair until like that?!?! (Fine I'll put my fringe down if you want me to look good that
-Solomon tells BP-Wong, Sir! See I good boy know, cut my hair short short sia! BP-Wong : _Does that infamous laugh_ Good, good. But you still fail A-Maths! (Aww! Heart/Broken)
-Ok..Parents: Looks better than your mushroom haircut (..gee thankz..)
-Brothers: You actually look good. ( Wow! From my own brothers..I mean, once in a lifetime experience!)
-Russell:You cut your hair?(Damn his slow, but then, we did a fist thing =D Yay! Think he likes it lolz)
-Royston: Why you cut your hair?!?! (I know you like my long fringe, "like" lol, but I am a good boy who observes all the school rules..the suspensions and punishments are just plots!)
Kk enough of the cute comments, heres the more down to earth ones,
-Mark Chan:Its different..( good or bad? - - )
-Brothers: You actually look good. ( Wow! From my own brothers..I mean, once in a lifetime experience!)
-Desmond:Charming/Handsome (Ok..Desmond doesnt joke, but..wth! I'm doubting whether he is straight)
-Jeanie:Lol..(what a great comment..)
Ok..enough of my hair, time for some diary action.
We went to some Youth Convention thingy. It was extremely good. The fella talked about how we can change for the better if we put our minds to it, and to believe in God..ect. Then the fella asked us to write down those things that we might want to change in our lives..what I wrote, simply just didn't shock me because they were all true...ill try to recap what I wrote..
Dear Lord,
I want to give up all my addictions. All of those things that I know are bad and wrong. Those things which I have time and time again, promised you that I would stop. I haven't til this moment. I promise that I we stop now. I want to give it up.
I want to give up all my desires and thoughts. Things that distract me from acheiving my goal for the year. This year's goal is apparently the O-Levels, and I hope I can overcome certain distractions(Games, Anime[Cass u intro me now I hook, go die lar], girls, family, friends, ect) and concentrate on my O-Levels. I want to acheive my goal, I want to sacrifice all that is neccessary.
I want to give up a certain phobia. Something which I have dreaded and something which may be in a way good or bad. I want to be myself in front of different groups of friends, but at those moments, the "act" goes into play, so I can fit in. No doubt I can fit into any group, but it feels wrong and how can anyone be a close friend, if they don't even know what I am like. I want to give it all up.
Its something like that. Neway, apparently the programme worked. After the visualisation activity, everyone was feeling all hyped-up and ready to go after 4 hrs of sitting on the floor, shivering and listening to the fella go on and on. It was really good. The fella talked about porn and how bad it is. How drugs and smoking sucks. Real life incidents like a ghost he exorcise from a hotel. A boy who was in a satanic group. This story is nice haha, the boy was in a group. They would meet three times a week. They would lay the crucifix on the ground and put rosaries around it. Later they will all spit on it and urinate on it. Then they pray for 3hrs straight. The boy describes the prayer as something like, We go into a trance-like state. Then we have an orgy. (6boys, 4 girls) Er..yah, then the Priest helps the boy to realise he is wrong, and guides him back to God. Then we had a story on two gansters..altho, I doubt the second one, sex at the age of 10??? Smoking at 9??? Whoa.. Oh..he told us that Sympillis patients have to have a 4-5 inch needle, and it has to be stuck up their (Ahem) and the pus has to be sucked out. So..yah, no premartial sex is scary. 5 inch needle up your thingy(not the ass, yah that thingy)..ouch..
Neway, it was fun and entertaining, food sucked tho..
Oh..I cried watching Hercules The Animated Movie again..T.T it was..soo..touching..I can ne1 not cry or feel sad when Herc got betrayed by that girl../cry!
The Pewpew Productions,
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Good ole Days..haix..
Haix, remember the Primary school days Ricardo, when you muscle gun carrying man could not win mr.swimmer in arm wrestling. I miss those days, where we would sing the Pak-Ka-Liao song, and me beating up some bullies, and you being the "tough guy" pushin me around cuz I was an angel..
Which reminds me, angel. Sigh, heard me being called that too many times. Even self-praise, was accepted by friends, even though you all say YAR RITE..and ect, you all can't protect your point. So you are in a way jealous.
Bleh, making you guys laugh through my ways are getting old and tiring. I eventually have to stop shouting and do the eyebrow thing soon. Parents, teachers, seniors, BROTHER EDWARD, heck even the girls are putting pressure on meh.
1) Parents : OMG DIE, U GOT GF! (Self-Explainatory)
2)Everyone, Amaths, 3Sciences, they all want me to excel. Dont get it wrong, not that I dont wanna be looked as an intelligent person whom the teachers know can get A1 for Os..
3)Seniors, simply putting it, ur teaching me, really really cool..but distracting stuff..haha
3)Seniors, simply putting it, ur teaching me, really really cool..but distracting stuff..haha
4)Brother Ed : I know you are "distracted" Link this with - If you bring them along, you will be doing don't know what with "her" ( Self-Explainatory)
5)Er..nvm, if I explain, Ill be dead the next day. Jkjk..Lols
O.o Damn in primary schs my problems were...
2) Hey, its Dorothy! Hihi! (then ricky goes all emo and teases me = =)
Neway, point is. What the hell! I don't wanna grow up. Let me go back to freaking primary school so I can be the care-free idiot i was. This "matured" shit has really really changed me. Haix. Altho, yeah, Im childish ect ect..its how I keep thy sanity intact. All u freaky hypocrits..wanna grow up sooo fast..Thats why girls > you..they dont act like aunties like u act like uncles..rofl..
o.O Lemon tea making me aggresive..sry. haha. But yeah, you know that time, where u saw cartoons say "When you grow up, you wished u'd be young again" And u laughed at that. DAMN its soooo true..Lols..
Neway, change. What have I changed into? I wonder sometimes, whether I've become better or worse. The latter, always strikes me. When I'm talking to newly made friends, people I don't wanna talk to, ect. People expect alot more from me.
Neway, change. What have I changed into? I wonder sometimes, whether I've become better or worse. The latter, always strikes me. When I'm talking to newly made friends, people I don't wanna talk to, ect. People expect alot more from me.
Neway..List Positive :
-Tower of support(Rofl..I think was at some church camp)
-Lender of Strength(Lmao, someone when I helped him in Lourdes)
-True Friend(Alot)
-Listening Ear(More than Alot)
-Someone to look up to(Rofl..I will lmao whenever I hear this, which is a lil often)
-Loyal and Faithful Person(Too many, and not by teh guys T.T I scared whenever they tell me that..)
-Funny(Could say that, when im in the mood)
K fine, you people want the other list..jeez..:
-[]D[][]V[][]D(Guys, you break my heart when u say that../serious)
-Sexy beast(Oh ya..I can live with that. Just..don't wink and touch me../shiver)
-Dorothy(I have no idea why I have a girl nick. Go die guys..)
-Evil Bastard(True to a smaller extend, er no 3 page evidence atm)
-Specs(Damn i love this 1..rofl..Primary Sch!! Woo!)
-Genius from the Bottom(T.T)<>
-King of slackers(True)
-Wise Slacker(Damn straight to the point)
-Stature of the Slacker God(I have no idea, which Idiot, told me this)
-Slacker of Slackers(
-bad person(damn sec1s)
-Hardcore player(Now..when u guys say this, You refering to wow, or the the BGR aspect of player)
-Scheming Child(Cmon..who votes yes..? _silence_ who votes No. Rawr!)
-Sweettalker(I hate u guys fer this).
-And the all new from Cass : Abuser of Knowledge. Pimpformers(Now..Cass is Jealous..comfirm)
Rofl..I have more negative than positive statuses. Aww. Nvm, Ill go ahead and say, all you people who said the negative things are jealous. O well, neway, any new things to add to the list would be cool..haha..
Saturday, February 24, 2007
What a Day..
(o.O 24th Feb. Long, tiring but quite intriging and fun haha)
Alright, would have been a normal saturday..if not for the fact I went out the whole day. Came back, exceeding my curfew, not getting a lecture and still awake at 11pm. Miracle imo.
Okies, first, Ben and I planned to meet at Zion for some Dota. Then he told me I had to act as his spiritual director, which isn't acting, I guess in the absence of Bro.Ed, and Dannel, I am the next person in charge. haha. We got to Zion exactly the same time, what a coincidence, didn't have to wait for each other, man, what a day alrdy. Then we played like..1 game of Dota, getting trashed, stupid 4v3. Then omg, COREY and Nicholas came, I mean, WTH COREY! ROFL! MAN he was like, the last person I expect to play lan, at 11am in the morning. Then we played and owned those two, LoA rocks..rofl, 3000 life ftw.
After that, met Charles and Bryan and went off to Curia. We arrived 15mins late..cuz of the bus, it was travelling 10km too slow, thus, we shulda reached 15mins earlier. Humph. Chris shuddup! I always am early..haha. Curia good, besides talking too much, trying to keep from shivering under the air-con, and Chris pestering me, it was good.
After curia, went to mass in Church of the Scared Heart. In the bus, er, got what thing happen ar? Oh ya! People looking at us...alot of people..haha. Anyway, cool church, the stain glass very good, the choir, excellent with echo effects.
Yah, you did scare me Michelle, haha, but I didn't go toilet cause of that. haha. Er..then after that long long mass, Mic got scolding by that lady, then saw Sylvia's family, Benjamin taking advantage of his no-handphone to stay out late, and me being some guai non-talkative fella, we set off for dinnerz!
Then at Long John's got something happen JUST AS WE WERE ABOUT TO EAT..haha, then I sat there near the pillar at the sidewalk waiting. All the people looking at me sit was cool..I felt so noticed..not like its im so vain sometimes. Then eat dinner liao, we went back home. Stupid ben wanted to play 5mins of E-Zone..rofl. On the train, mindlessly follow Mic and Bel to Raffles, And srsly, I was joking..eee! Then went onto east line train with Ben, and got home and I am typing this now. Very tiring for some reason, isn't like it when I go out with our group rite Cass? Our group come back liao, so energetic, maybe cuz we dont do nething but sit down and watch movies..rofl. Aiight, and now, its Good night fer me. Hmm...maybe I should go out more than I alrdy do, then Ace my Os, so JC I can date and go out like 24/7 ROFL! I drunk liao, stupid wine..they said minimal alcohol..!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
-Teh List-
o.O met some new and outside sch =O :
-MICHELLE!, Haha best 1. Keepin me company. Sry fer ur phone billz. lol
-Dominic. Damn..ur a beast, too bad ur not as good as me haha, argue more and ONE DAY can beat me
-Nathalie, Rofl..u seem nice. Sry nvr say hii in curia lors..was..gettin wacked by some1..
-Clare, Hmm...I don't wanna know why..lols..ask seb to go out wif her. XD
-Bryan Koh, ur my friend. Socialise more dood, girls dont eat u..USUALLY..
-Edward, Whoa..ang mo fer teh win man, u talk cya soon.
-Sebrina <--- She owned me in an arguement. Go figure. = (
Hmm who esle..
-Mr.Tan, omg..ur actually a good person TCS..rofl..omgz..haha nice 2 talk 2 u..
People who dissapointed meh:
-Bro Ed, aww u thought wrgly abt me >.< I studied like..3hrs a day since this year. And im not "distracted", nor attached, nor going lan everyday, nor am I going to change my religion cuz of a girl..haha
-Cass, u will be in this list..FOREVER..haha, u only can win cuz u got upper hand..pfft..and pls stop calling me names..makes me sad...>.<
-(-----), I thought you wanted to be just friends..I'll consider but I dont know you well enough..
-Royston, haix..u failed A-maths, nvm same as me lols.
-Eynon, bloody hell crush my 1st was soooo beautiful...rawr..
-Clement, chao sch to chao speech writing..what more can I say..
Who I liked in the last 7 days..(Please be mature, yeah you..)
-BP-Wong just made another hit..wooo! "Does ur father cane you, tuo ku fang pi?" Who doesnt like BP-Wong should go die.
-TCS, talked abit..guess you really do care abt us...1 <3 fer u sir.
-Jason, yes, i put my hand on ur shoulder and u nod ur nvr sick of that haha
-KB, yesh..u good, u good..
-Chris Oh, u do that shoulder thing 1 more time and ur outta the list.
-Neo, ... study more A1 Pupil..nvr let me copy..haha
-Michelle, nice smsing wif u, no matter what, ur a good person =D Cute, kind, nice and friendly. And talking too much is
-Agnes, dream???? Rofl...I mean...don't play with me ley...I not handsome.
-Sylvia, this 1 guai guai 1 haha. Relax..the acies is like..FAR away.
-Sebrina, wow..u argue gonna meet u again just to out-talk u..rawr..
-Royston, if u fail physics..ima kick u outta this list.
-Mark Koh, u owe me $3..
-Lol..and yesh...Nicky, u call me pumkin, teddy bear, boy boy can..but dont call me sweetheart again..freaks me out..
Quotes of teh Week:
-My heart belongs to you, on-one esle will I love in the same way my dear dear
-Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder (
-I love you..(Romeo, quote evar..)
-MICHELLE!, Haha best 1. Keepin me company. Sry fer ur phone billz. lol
-Dominic. Damn..ur a beast, too bad ur not as good as me haha, argue more and ONE DAY can beat me
-Nathalie, Rofl..u seem nice. Sry nvr say hii in curia lors..was..gettin wacked by some1..
-Clare, Hmm...I don't wanna know why..lols..ask seb to go out wif her. XD
-Bryan Koh, ur my friend. Socialise more dood, girls dont eat u..USUALLY..
-Edward, Whoa..ang mo fer teh win man, u talk cya soon.
-Sebrina <--- She owned me in an arguement. Go figure. = (
Hmm who esle..
-Mr.Tan, omg..ur actually a good person TCS..rofl..omgz..haha nice 2 talk 2 u..
People who dissapointed meh:
-Bro Ed, aww u thought wrgly abt me >.< I studied like..3hrs a day since this year. And im not "distracted", nor attached, nor going lan everyday, nor am I going to change my religion cuz of a girl..haha
-Cass, u will be in this list..FOREVER..haha, u only can win cuz u got upper hand..pfft..and pls stop calling me names..makes me sad...>.<
-(-----), I thought you wanted to be just friends..I'll consider but I dont know you well enough..
-Royston, haix..u failed A-maths, nvm same as me lols.
-Eynon, bloody hell crush my 1st was soooo beautiful...rawr..
-Clement, chao sch to chao speech writing..what more can I say..
Who I liked in the last 7 days..(Please be mature, yeah you..)
-BP-Wong just made another hit..wooo! "Does ur father cane you, tuo ku fang pi?" Who doesnt like BP-Wong should go die.
-TCS, talked abit..guess you really do care abt us...1 <3 fer u sir.
-Jason, yes, i put my hand on ur shoulder and u nod ur nvr sick of that haha
-KB, yesh..u good, u good..
-Chris Oh, u do that shoulder thing 1 more time and ur outta the list.
-Neo, ... study more A1 Pupil..nvr let me copy..haha
-Michelle, nice smsing wif u, no matter what, ur a good person =D Cute, kind, nice and friendly. And talking too much is
-Agnes, dream???? Rofl...I mean...don't play with me ley...I not handsome.
-Sylvia, this 1 guai guai 1 haha. Relax..the acies is like..FAR away.
-Sebrina, wow..u argue gonna meet u again just to out-talk u..rawr..
-Royston, if u fail physics..ima kick u outta this list.
-Mark Koh, u owe me $3..
-Lol..and yesh...Nicky, u call me pumkin, teddy bear, boy boy can..but dont call me sweetheart again..freaks me out..
Quotes of teh Week:
-My heart belongs to you, on-one esle will I love in the same way my dear dear
-Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder (
-I love you..(Romeo, quote evar..)
Can someone tell me why? Why I am who I am? I once wished that I could be like a good person who would get what everyone wants and live a happy life. Someone that I love, something that I can excel in and call it my own, children, and friends like Cass which I can argue with day and night knowing sometimes I will get owned..
But yupps..the phrase "Becareful what you wish for.."
Haha, u stupid guys keep spreading rumors sia. First is I attached, then oh become you know what..?? What did I do to make you all think that...jeez..its kinda proding me in the back of my mind.
First is a friend suddenly made me realised she liked me.
Then another, sorry but ur JUST a friend.
Then got another friend..haha..funny lar u XD But nonetheless u asked too...lols
Haix! Guess I'm a bad person by being good =( All I did was be a friend..its all ur fault cass..haha
Oh all the others, guess I'll have to chuck em aside into a lil corner which I will regret 1 day...T.T
Saturday, January 27, 2007
(Haix..I love my job..lols)
= =
Friend: I like her and I think she likes me. Think we can go stead sia. Long term sum more.
Me:You told me..becuz?
Friend:Dunno, just ask you whether I should chiong anot? you want me to make you think it'll work out..or you want me to make you forget her?"
Friend:...lemme think it'll work out lol
Me:How you know she like you?
Friend:Dunno, shes kinda shy when talking to me. Then her friend told me she like me and all. But when one on one she like..knows what to say to
Me:Shes shy around friends cause she can't relate you to friend. Thus, you are different to her.
Me: Her friend is bullshitting, dont take "friends" words, tho it may be true.
Me: Her friend is bullshitting, dont take "friends" words, tho it may be true.
Me:She asked you out to go with her friends, o joy. Next.
Me:She knows what to say prolly because shes being thinking abt it even before you both meet on the day. Theoractically, she has being thinking abt you at home or when your not even commucating to her.
Me:She knows what to say prolly because shes being thinking abt it even before you both meet on the day. Theoractically, she has being thinking abt you at home or when your not even commucating to her.
Me:Thus, I conclude that she likes you.
(on the other hand, I hate my job)
Friend:Hey can you help me? I can't stop thinking about my bf. want me to make you forget him and break your heart ar?
Friend:Haha, you can try.
Me:Why you like him?
Friend:I never said I liked him.
Me:Don't lie to me, its abit L2lie better..
Me:Don't lie to me, its abit L2lie better..
Friend:kk, he is kinda cute, then very nice to me lor.
Me:Does he like you? would I know? I think so. He very nice to me when we go out. Then he also ask stuff like he very concern. I dunno lar.
Me:Tell me the thing going thru ur heart n mind now, no use lying. Theres something ur not telling me.
Me:Dots now lar..cmon now, u ask me to help u..cant help if u dont wanna tell me all of it
Friend:Fine. You like can read mind like tat... I think he likes someone esle to. Then when I ask him, he got angry.
Me:U sure want to commet truthfully ar?
Friend:Try your best, only a few people can change my mind.
Me:If you can't answer these questions, you dont "like" him. And theres no point in the relationship.
Me:If you can't answer these questions, you dont "like" him. And theres no point in the relationship.
Me:Why do you like him?
Friend:I told you liao..
Me:Those are pathetic excuses, what do you know abt him that makes him special?
Friend:He just has a good personality and kind heart lar.
Me:How long you think you all will last...?
Friend:Long term lor.
Me:Your lying to yourself. Neway, what made u think he likes another girl?
Friend:He has less and less time. Think i over-reacting..But got one time, he say he dont have time, then he went out with another fella. My fren tell me1.
Me:ok...heres the 3 results from the questions.
Me:You don't know why you like him. Your reasons are not good enough for me lol. If you continue, I give your relationship...5mins after reading this. And yeah, he is two-timing you. He tells you he has no time. He goes out with another girl. If your his only gf, then there is no harm telling you that he cant cuz he is going out with another friend on tat day. Your friend guessed, but its usually rite. Neway, for you to suspect him to 2time you means you dont trust him enough. Simple equation, relationship = trust = love, no trust means nothing. Now go break up liao, no point holding on to him. Idiot is playing you. Btw, I'm not dumb, I know you like Nicholas. At the camp so ez 2 see, he had 2 exs..wanna guess why they broke up??
Friend logs out.
2hrs later.
Me:Nothing, hows Deb?
Nicholas:You made her break up with me. Bastard.
Me:Srsly, what happened to Deb and Michelle?
Nicholas:Did you tell her abt my last 2 ex.
Me:Nope. But you were two timing them rite?
Nicholas:Yeah..and what you gonna do abt it..
Friend logs in.
Me:~copy and paste~
Me:~copy and paste~
Me:You did the right thing.
Friend:I am still crying, I thought nic was a good guy.
(Hmm counselling suxs)
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Watch me
Haha, thx for teh outing today guys. En jia..can u just freaking clarify why you don't like my hair, I'm starting to get irritated at you..and I don't get irritated ezily..rawr. Btw guys, dun worry, me shouting for no reason in the public and getting 5-20 ppl look at us is ok..jeez..
Soccer was fun...huh? Wouldn't have had much laughs without meh!!! Freaking ppl all trying to touch me cause I had my shirt off, your all sick..and who was the fella go grab me..can't watch out in school. I'm gonna go "happy" mode on you on thursday after PE../sneer, hahas, jk.
Luckily I didn't go swim with you all sia..wonder wtf would happen, with En jia pulling ppl's pants off and all.
Mmm..Leslie, why did you tell me all that info, I was even trying to get it outta you. Neway yeah, they are very very ____...either you give em all your time..or don't do it at all. You shoulda chose some1 more thoughtful. Lol, if everytime you pay for everything, make sure she asks you to not do it or might as well just ask her to pay fer her own meals. Ask you what she was like..bloody hell you change subject to try and intro me to some hong kong smart girl..but I just let you continue..wasn't a peaceful X eh?
Tom Yam rocks..u 4 foos all go eat the same thing..then KB u damn smart, go throw all the chilli in and made ur ears feel that poping feeling..rofl.
And yeah..there were some things that occured but I dont think I will write this kinda shit here nemore. Aww. Haha. And yeah I ok.. =)
Soccer was fun...huh? Wouldn't have had much laughs without meh!!! Freaking ppl all trying to touch me cause I had my shirt off, your all sick..and who was the fella go grab me..can't watch out in school. I'm gonna go "happy" mode on you on thursday after PE../sneer, hahas, jk.
Luckily I didn't go swim with you all sia..wonder wtf would happen, with En jia pulling ppl's pants off and all.
Mmm..Leslie, why did you tell me all that info, I was even trying to get it outta you. Neway yeah, they are very very ____...either you give em all your time..or don't do it at all. You shoulda chose some1 more thoughtful. Lol, if everytime you pay for everything, make sure she asks you to not do it or might as well just ask her to pay fer her own meals. Ask you what she was like..bloody hell you change subject to try and intro me to some hong kong smart girl..but I just let you continue..wasn't a peaceful X eh?
Tom Yam rocks..u 4 foos all go eat the same thing..then KB u damn smart, go throw all the chilli in and made ur ears feel that poping feeling..rofl.
And yeah..there were some things that occured but I dont think I will write this kinda shit here nemore. Aww. Haha. And yeah I ok.. =)
(Gonna have hard time explaining the extra chem lesson..hmm haha)
Friday, January 19, 2007 ironic../sigh
(When you think something is right, it may be wrong for all you know)
~.~"Doh!" what can happen within one day of my change in attitude. Just freaking change a LIL bit then got the funniest reactions. Right huh? Wasn't as enthu as normal wasn't even fun today
New me is soo wrong, few convos after sch with other people didn't feel that fun, and I was like..just had that bo chap feeling. Sry couldn't think well fer u Sylvia rofl XP hahas. Sry Agne(haha) fer being an idiot, but why u still log out suddenly ar??
Think I should change back like by next week. Like you said Jason, changing is wrong, just be what you turn out to be.
Newayz...sry fer breaking you up dood, wont say ur name, if ur listening tu this =( She was just playing you! meh
First time and prolly the last till some emotional thingy where I'll admit this. I have no idea what I was doing. I thought I was but...Cass was first one to guess where it was going hahas..GUESS. I'll change back but keep in at a time
O well, thanks guys again..stupid world is unfair must reboot my system and delete all those who I think I must...have fun without me, yeah its possible. No cass, ur sticking so i can make sure ur not correct evr again. What I have to say for changing fer some stupid reason..i hate that girl now..haha, no is not the chinky 1 cass..i dont tell u everything hahas.
" TP..what a pity I wasn't Solomon when I was there" hahas, Lurve U lots lots <3
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
~.~ Eynon really doesn't know when I say i have to go..I mean I have to go..Now she forced me to just walk out of class...bad boi /sigh. O well...when she calls my father shes gonna get a wooppin from he's chim english, think she english teacher can out-talk my father../saluteher4trying.
Newayz..after chao-ing school, went to White Sands to eat lunch and collect Burning Crusade. Was...stupidly funny and embarressing =D which is cewl imo. I was with my dad so yeah... he kinda asked me questionz..rofl..why? While collecting damn funny, collect liao got this girl ask me something then my father watching..cute. Then the next one was when i banged into another girl while walking to buy food..was her we said sorry but looked to my dad as if i was talking...with the smile and all.. lols..
Then sit down he went into subtle mode. Use "read in between the lines" kinda convo with me. Things like," When u go JC ar. You know whats gonna be the biggest distraction?" Rofl..we all know the answer..coughcough. Neway, eat liao nothing fun happen lor = =
Then dinner came..thats where it got seriously funny. Finished eating with mom and dad liao got this girl come sit down on the table in front of us..(I noticed cuz her sis was screaming her head off) Then I was like...trying to rub my brothers head and he shouted..doh..rofl..Then she turn back once, then I look at her cuz I was still trying to rub my bros head but my head turned..yupyupz. Yesh, theres a second time she looked back =) Then I purposely didn't look back lar..cuz parents there all later die... w00t then ownage..third time I walked past to buy Teh'O for Dad then wen i came back ...hmm...then the fella went to look at me >.< Creepy cuz her face is exactly like YOU Agnes..rofl..cept the specs diff =P Then my mother being super sensitive was like..what you trying to look away from? I was like..I like that satay on the other table...XP
Nuthin much 2day cuz I was home all afternoon playin BC!!! Wooo!!! Cass i got a BloodElf mage named "Eon" <--- Ownage name..
Newayz..after chao-ing school, went to White Sands to eat lunch and collect Burning Crusade. Was...stupidly funny and embarressing =D which is cewl imo. I was with my dad so yeah... he kinda asked me questionz..rofl..why? While collecting damn funny, collect liao got this girl ask me something then my father watching..cute. Then the next one was when i banged into another girl while walking to buy food..was her we said sorry but looked to my dad as if i was talking...with the smile and all.. lols..
Then sit down he went into subtle mode. Use "read in between the lines" kinda convo with me. Things like," When u go JC ar. You know whats gonna be the biggest distraction?" Rofl..we all know the answer..coughcough. Neway, eat liao nothing fun happen lor = =
Then dinner came..thats where it got seriously funny. Finished eating with mom and dad liao got this girl come sit down on the table in front of us..(I noticed cuz her sis was screaming her head off) Then I was like...trying to rub my brothers head and he shouted..doh..rofl..Then she turn back once, then I look at her cuz I was still trying to rub my bros head but my head turned..yupyupz. Yesh, theres a second time she looked back =) Then I purposely didn't look back lar..cuz parents there all later die... w00t then ownage..third time I walked past to buy Teh'O for Dad then wen i came back ...hmm...then the fella went to look at me >.< Creepy cuz her face is exactly like YOU Agnes..rofl..cept the specs diff =P Then my mother being super sensitive was like..what you trying to look away from? I was like..I like that satay on the other table...XP
Nuthin much 2day cuz I was home all afternoon playin BC!!! Wooo!!! Cass i got a BloodElf mage named "Eon" <--- Ownage name..
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
~Shattered1, 16-1-07
(Sadness, sorrow, anguish fills me. Anger, hatred and guilt enrage me )
/wrists!!! ~.~
Hmm..found out a sad truth that I couldn't get everything I wanted. Didn't take it that hard, I feel sorry fer her and how she can live likdat. Hmm.. Abitz the funny the way I took it, like brushing it aside and being ok in like 10mins. Well, at least even though we nevered talked much, I learnt something from her and I should stop it. Cass was right, hate to admit it..second time u are right rofl. It may be fun, but it turns around and bites u in the ass.
Yupyupz..think I'll stop fer now. Except fer 1 girl =D very fun 2 talk 2 her, abit different from all the rest. Newayz, sorrows gone but still abit dissapointed and hope that girl goes on well pewpewz. Stupid guilt is pathetic, I took it like it was nothing, like a game which was out of my reach, I chucked it out of my mind..unsensitive me ftl.
Newayz Shattered.Thy.Broken.Heart. /fix. Wooo!!! Back to the idiocy!!!
Coming back from school damn wierd and sway sia. First got this girl look damn familiar but I couldn't tell and wasn't in a mood to ask. After that was got this fella, freaking slept next to me and laid on my shoulder..mmm.. Then I got off the bus and saw this 2 guys, holding hands..freakin 16-18 yrs i was like..nah maybe the taller 1 with short hair is a tomboy. So I walked on and the two fellas go hug, then put their hands on each other..too sick so I moved on rofl..
Thats pretty much it, not much I can do in 1day aww..
(Slap u cass, dont tag what I told u on MSN )
(Whatever u fellas are thinking..answer is no)
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Rofl..laugh it off.
(Mmm diary is meant to have fun)
Hey Chris, remember the time we met the girl givin out leaflets at the MRT station. Yah that 1..Lols. Guess what, I saw her again rofl and damn funny XD..
Well it happened on Friday so a lil late but nvm, I didnt feel like writing it but I don't give a shit now. So I was like getting off at city hall and was moving to the other train, o.O then she there. I got a convo started..don't ask..I used some catholic reason =P..names Cyndi..if ne of u freakin talk shit bout this at sch im gonna you. Yeah i got her number. Wewt thx for the advice, chris and cass.
Thats strike 1. I know u guys like these types of things../sigh..
Second was on saturday lar, coincidence but I met yeah..if u guys joke about this im gonna kill u. Ricardo will guess who rofl. Dorothy really grew up =D And guess where we met!!! The playground!!! Whoa..good ole days..still remember when she said she didnt like me..
Strike 2. This 1 is more fer the legion ppl rofl.
Last but not least, is today itself, Monday. So I was on the bus with Marcus going home. So newayz..normal stuff me look at them, they look at me.. the glance thing../shiver. So I was feeling kinda crazy when i alighted and when I got to the traffic light. And there were a group of girls there lah, so somehow I managed to pick 1, look at her in the eyes and smile =D ( Once in a blue moon, u want to see, pay me ) Rofl..she smiled back and we walked separate wayz then I turned back to see all of them teasing her and she waved goodbye =)..ownage!!!
Strike 3. Yesh, this isnt good, Os are study study..cant help it if i like smiling =D
(Tag!!! And no, Dorothy is not attached to me dumbfarts)
For all you people that wanna know what makes me tick eh? U wont find out..but u can try.
This blog is a diary as some of u people suggested to me..
Whats gonna be here
- Personal Stuff.
- What i do/am gonna do?
- Who i like? ( theres no1 i hate =] True Story ~ Lols )
- Nething esle? Taggady tag taggady.
<3 U all!!!
This blog is a diary as some of u people suggested to me..
Whats gonna be here
- Personal Stuff.
- What i do/am gonna do?
- Who i like? ( theres no1 i hate =] True Story ~ Lols )
- Nething esle? Taggady tag taggady.
<3 U all!!!
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